Born in 1968, French and Danish citizen, I settled in Provence in 2002 after some chapters of life in Africa, Denmark, Central Asia and Paris.
I have a long professional experience at UNESCO working on the themes, among others, of cultural diversity, culture of peace and non-violence and the preservation of our natural heritage, all being sources of inspiration in my creations.
Sculpture has always been part of my life and my current inspiration explores the human attitudes and interactions with simple and suggested lines.
Bronze, clay, enamels, waxes and pigments are my favourite materials.
Mainly self-taught, the steps that allowed me to refine and consolidate my technical approach are the following :
- Apprenticeship in art foundry (bronze) in 2016;
- Aix-en-Provence Superior Art School from 2011 to 2014: open workshops on the themes of volume, painting and plastic arts;
- Work alongside artists who opened their studio to me from 2002 to 2008;
- Followed courses in clay modeling, stone cutting and painting from 1990 to 2008;
- Modeling
- Correcting the wax copy
- Casting
- Result of the casting
- Chasing & sanding
- Patina
- Cultivate the spontaneous expression ;
- Experiment the numerous combinations that clay, metal and colors offer ;
- Play with the rhythms of the lines and vibrations of the reliefs ;
- Give place to the expression of energy circulation and to the curves ;
My current inspiration explores human attitudes and interactions in a suggested and refined way. Human relations, psychology, the challenge of the coexistence of our cultural diversities, respect for others, the protection and development of childhood, sustainable development, appreciation of what life offers us and of every passing moment …
… are all values that guide me and that are expressed in my plastic creations.
And if I had to underline the essential, I would say that creation is a formidable path towards oneself and towards the other …